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B12 Shots in Clayton & Chesterfield, MO

Reclaim Your Energy & Vitality

Are you wondering if B12 shots could give you the natural boost you need?

Are you tired of feeling fatigued, moody, and foggy?

Do you want to end the struggle to lose weight, get adequate sleep, and feel healthy overall?

Many people struggle with these issues.

They’re constantly on the search for a treatment that will actually work, but nothing seems to cut it…

Revitalize Yourself Mentally, Physically & Emotionally with a Natural Treatment!

You’re here because you want to restore the energy, drive, and joy you used to feel. But time and time again, you’ve gotten excited about a new solution only to be disappointed with its lack of results. What you need is a natural treatment that has been proven safe and effective.

Depending on how many solutions you’ve tried, you might feel like it’s hopeless.

Thankfully, it’s not! In fact, there’s a simple way to get a natural boost immediately. B12 shots provide instant results, revitalizing your body and mind and making a big difference in how you feel.

At Ethos MedSpa, we know what it’s like to feel as though you’ve lost your spark. When you lack energy, it affects every area of your life. You want a way to rejuvenate your body inside and out.  

Fortunately, B12 injections can make all the difference. This simple treatment provides the body with an immediate boost, allowing you to leave our office feeling more energized, focused, and rejuvenated. Plus, B12 shots will strengthen your immune system, regulate your sleep and appetite, improve your mood, and boost your metabolism.

When you have a B12 treatment that…

  • Delivers a boost of vitality to the body and mind
  • Produces immediate results


  • Is safe, quick, and affordable

… you can finally stop trying every new product that hits the market and remember how great life can be when you feel your best.

Here’s How Our B12 Shots Work…

Step 1:

Book a Free Consultation.

Meet with our experts to determine how many B12 shots you’ll need.

Step 2:

Schedule Your B12 Injections..

Choose the times that work for you (it only takes 15-20 minutes).

Step 3:

Leave Feeling Revitalized.

Enjoy the immediate boost of energy, mental clarity, and vitality!

Here’s What to Expect…

… Before Your Session

During your consultation, we’ll discuss your goals as well as review your health history and lifestyle to determine how many B12 injections you’ll need.

… During Your Session

When you come in for B12 shots, we’ll clean the treatment area and use a small needle to inject high levels of cyanocobalamin directly into one of your muscles. This treatment is virtually painless, and the whole procedure will take no longer than 15-20 minutes.

… After Your Session

Since we inject the B12 into the muscle, it bypasses the digestive system, allowing you to enjoy immediate results. When your B12 shot is complete, you can resume your normal activities as there’s no downtime involved with this treatment. Some people experience mild redness or tenderness at the treatment site, which will subside within a couple of days. Most people require 2-3 B12 shots within a 7-day period, and then maintenance shots after that.

Professional Care to Help You Feel Your Best

B12 injections are the easiest and most natural way to achieve more vigor quickly. At Ethos MedSpa, we are passionate about helping our patients feel and look their best, and we’re always excited to see them leaving in such as state of heightened vitality.  

If you’re ready to feel better than you’ve felt in a long time, you’ll love the results you get from B12 shots. Many of the struggles you have with energy, weight loss, metabolism, sleep, mental clarity, and immunity can be a thing of the past. Let us pamper you as we give your body the boost it needs.

Skinny Shots:

(MIC) (once or twice weekly while dieting)


it supports the digestive system by helping to remove heavy metals within the body while breaking down fat deposits thus preventing the possible build-up of fat in arteries. Methionine can also be converted to cytosine, the precursor of glutathione, which is essential in detoxification of the liver.


supports the transfer of nutrients at the cellular level and to help maintain proper electrical energy across the cell membrane. In addition, Inositol converts fats into other useful forms of energy and assists in establishing healthy cell membranes thus facilitating nerve impulses.


assists in controlling cholesterol levels in the blood and in controlling weight gain by maintaining healthy cell membranes. Choline has been linked to and directly associated in the maintenance of the nervous system, assisting memory, and is critical for normal cell membrane structure and function. Choline is the precursor of betaine which is helps in liver function and in the formation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Vitamin B1:

serves as a catalyst in the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Vitamin B2:

assists in metabolizing fats and carbohydrates.

Vitamin B3:

assists in the breakdown of nutrients into a release of energy. Vitamin B3 also can help reduce cholesterol levels for patients.