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HydraFacials Chesterfield, MO

Enjoy the Best Skin You’ve Ever Had!

Are you interested in what a HydraFacial treatment can do for your skin?

Are you tired of dealing with redness, puffiness, and other issues?

Do you wish you could have clearer, more radiant skin?

You’re not alone. Many people share the same concerns.

Typical skincare products don’t cut it, yet many of the services available are more invasive than desired…

Experience an Instant Glow with a Proven Solution!

You’re here because you want to feel good about your complexion, but nothing you’ve tried has worked. You’re tired of spending your time and money and not getting results. You want a noninvasive solution that is safe and effective.

Unfortunately, that’s not easy to find and can lead to further frustration.

Thankfully, you don’t have to feel frustrated any longer—not when there’s a pain-free, spa-like solution that will allow you to walk out with a radiant glow. By undergoing a HydraFacial treatment, you’ll get immediate results.

My skin has never felt or looked better! Aeron was incredibly professional and answered all of my questions and the atmosphere of Ethos MedSpa was calming. The HydraFacial service has left my skin clearer than it has been in years!

-Lindsey P.

At Ethos MedSpa, we understand how much your complexion affects your confidence. You want smooth, soft, even skin that glows. And you want a solution that delivers fast, lasting results.

That’s why we offer a HydraFacial treatment that combines cleansing, extracting, gentle exfoliation, and hydration all in one. It removes debris from pores, uncovers a new layer of skin, and nourishes the skin with antioxidants and peptides.

When you have a facial solution that…

  • Is safe, effective, and pain free
  • Can be customized for your particular skin concerns


  • Produces clearer, radiant skin immediately with no downtime

… you can stop searching for better products or less invasive services and get the beautiful skin you deserve.

Here’s How Our HydraFacial Treatment Sessions Work…



Step 1:

Book a Free Consultation.

Meet with us to plan out your custom treatments.

Step 2:

Schedule Your HydraFacial Treatment Session.

Choose a time to come in for your first session.

Step 3:

Enjoy the Results.

Walk away with a glowing complexion that reflects the beauty within!


Here’s What to Expect…

… During Your Session

At your session, we’ll review your goals and your custom plan. Next, we’ll proceed with the type of HydraFacial that is right for your skin concerns. We’ll use patented technology to remove dead skin cells, extract debris from the pores using vacuum-powered extraction, and pump hydrating nutrients into your skin. Depending on your goals, we might use LED light therapy to reduce signs of aging, blue light therapy to reduce acne, or apply other boosters and processes to attain the desired result. It is an extremely gentle process and is quite enjoyable and relaxing. Overall, it will take about 45 minutes.

… After Your Session

The results are immediate, and you’ll leave feeling more radiant and glowing. You’ll be able to return to your normal activities and even wear makeup right after your HydraFacial treatment.

Professional Care That Offers Real Results

We take extra care to ensure that our HydraFacial treatments produce the immediate results you’re looking for. And we make sure you feel pampered and get to enjoy a spa-like experience as we do it.

HydraFacial treatment is highly customizable and can be used to resolve the following skin concerns:

  • Blackheads
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Elasticity and firmness
  • Tone and vibrancy
  • Skin texture
  • Dark spots, scars
  • Oily skin and acne
  • Enlarged pores
  • Lymphatic drainage

If you’re looking for a solution that produces instant results, involves no needles, and feels like a light massage, HydraFacial treatment is exactly what you need.

You don’t have to live with your skin concerns any longer, and you don’t have to endure pain to resolve them. Instead, choose a safe and effective solution that will give you the best skin you’ve ever had in just 45 minutes!


This treatment deeply cleanses, exfoliates, extracts, and hydrates the skin utilizing super serums filled with antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid.


An invigorating treatment that includes all of the essentials of the Signature HydraFacial while addressing your specific skin concern with a Booster of your choice. This treatment concludes with LED Light Therapy to further reduce the visible signs of aging.


Select a treatment option below:

Includes Extended Extractions & Blue LED Light Therapy.


Includes Britenol® to minimize the appearance of dark spots.


Includes DermaBuilder™ to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


Includes CTGF™ to improve the appearance of skin tone, texture, and elasticity.


The ultimate HydraFacial experience! Begin the detoxification process with Lymphatic Drainage. Then, the Signature HydraFacial deeply cleanses, exfoliates, extracts, and hydrates the skin while addressing your specific skin concern with a Booster of your choice. This treatment concludes with LED Light Therapy to further reduce the visible signs of aging.



RED light therapy is a therapeutic technique that uses low-level wavelengths of light to treat skin issues such as any anti-aging concerns, wrinkles, scars, and redness.

BLUE light therapy is a noninvasive treatment for acne that uses light to kill certain bacteria on the skin.


Soothing and relaxing massage using gentle yet effective brushing motions with suction to reduce puffiness around the eyes, neck, and face.


Dermaplaning is a method of exfoliation that uses a surgical blade to remove the upper layer of dead skin cells as well as remove vellus hair (“peach fuzz”) on the face. It leaves the skin smooth and helps makeup look more flawless.