IPL Laser Photo Rejuvenation Chesterfield, MO

Achieve a Youthful, Even Skin Tone!

Have you been wondering how IPL laser photo rejuvenation works?

Are you noticing age spots and discoloration on your face?

Are you tired of using anti-aging products that don’t work?

You’re certainly not alone.

As our skin ages, it starts to show more and more signs of sun damage, and most of the skincare products on the market don’t do much to help…

Regain Your Youthful Glow with a Proven Solution!

You’re here because you want your skin to have an even color and texture. But as more irregularities show up, your skincare products just can’t keep up. You’re ready to ditch those expensive empty promises and find a safe solution that is proven to actually work.  

Unfortunately, that’s not easy to come by, which can make you feel frustrated.

The good news is you can put an end to the frustration and gain back your youthful glow by making use of IPL laser photo rejuvenation.

At Ethos MedSpa, we’re here for you. We know you want to feel confident when you look in the mirror. You’re done wasting time and money on so-called anti-aging skincare products. And you’re yearning for a solution that works quickly and effectively to get rid of the signs of aging.

Through the use of IPL laser photo rejuvenation technology, we can restore the natural beauty that is hiding behind sun damage, rosacea, melasma, broken blood vessels, and even fine lines. IPL stands for intense pulsed light, which is a safe, nonsurgical laser service.

When you have a rejuvenating anti-aging solution that…

  • Reduces sun damage and uneven skin tone
  • Generates long-lasting results by reaching multiple layers of skin


  • Is safe, simple, and quick

… you can stop the frustrating search for the right antiaging skincare product and take advantage of a science-backed technique that stimulates the body’s ability to heal itself.

Here’s How Our IPL Laser Photo Rejuvenation Sessions Work…

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Step 1:

Book a Free Consultation.

Meet with us to determine if IPL laser photo rejuvenation is right for you.


Step 2:

Schedule Your IPL Laser Photo Rejuvenation Session.

Choose a time to come in for your first session.

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Step 3:

Enjoy the Results.

Feel more confident as you enjoy smoother, younger-looking skin!

Here’s What to Expect…

… Before Your Session

To ensure the best results, avoid sun exposure and self-tanning products for 2 weeks prior to your session. Ensure the area being treated is free of sunburn, eczema, or inflammation. Avoid using Accutane for 6 months before your session. Additionally, avoid Retin-A, retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and any form of vitamin A for 10 days prior to the session. Make sure not to use blood-thinning OTC medications (e.g., Aleve, Ibuprofen, Aspirin) for 24 hours before your treatment. If you wear contacts, please remove them prior to your treatment.

… During Your Session

At your session, we’ll cleanse your skin and review your goals. Then, we’ll apply ultrasound gel to the skin prior to treatment to alleviate discomfort. Next, we’ll administer small flashes of broad-spectrum intense pulsed light (IPL) to warm the skin, stimulate the body’s natural healing process, and boost collagen and elastin production. The advanced, real-time cooling system in the Venus Versa technology ensures your skin is always protected from the heat so that you can enjoy a spa-like experience. It will take about 30-60 minutes depending on size of the area.

… After Your Session

Be sure to use SPF 30+ for at least 30 days after your treatment and avoid Accutane for 6 months after treatment. Most patients require a series of 3 treatments over the course of 3 months to correct the area of concern.

Professional Care That Provides Long-Lasting Results

Our IPL laser photo rejuvenation sessions are performed by experienced medical estheticians. We work with care, diligence, and an attention to detail to ensure we are achieving your goals.

IPL Laser Photo Rejuvenation

IPL laser photo rejuvenation can be used on various areas of the body.

One Medium Area

60 minutes

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Full Face

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One Large Area

90 minutes 

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Full Arms

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Full Legs


We are passionate about improving the appearance of uneven skin tone and sun damage so you can look and feel younger again. IPL laser photo rejuvenation is the best way to achieve these results since it encourages your body to repair itself naturally.

You can stop the frustrating search for the right anti-aging skincare product and choose a safe and proven solution. Radiant skin and long-lasting results are just around the corner, and it’s fast and easy!