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Laser Acne Reduction Chesterfield, MO

Achieve a Smooth Complexion without Medication

Are you interested in what laser acne reduction can do for you?

Do you want to put a stop to a lifelong struggle of dealing with acne?

Would you like to ease inflammation without any harmful side effects?

Everyone with acne wonders these things.

They are frustrated that they don’t have the complexion they want, and the treatments they’ve tried are less than desirable…

Eliminate Acne with a Better Solution!

You’re here because your acne feels like a never-ending issue that has hijacked your confidence and beauty. You’ve probably tried every acne treatment out there, but they all come with a list of side-effects and deliver mediocre results. You’re ready for something different.  

But the search for an effective, medication-free solution has just led to more frustration.

The good news is you can stop feeling frustrated. Instead, you can use cutting-edge laser acne reduction technology to get long-lasting freedom from acne without the side effects of medication.

At Ethos MedSpa, we get it. You want to feel confident again. You don’t want to hide behind makeup to feel comfortable in public, and you’re so tired of wasting time and money on more acne products that don’t even work. You’re longing for an acne solution that is easy, effective, and long lasting.

Through the use of intense pulsed light (IPL), laser acne reduction technology targets inflammation deep within the layers of skin and destroys bacteria, leaving behind the beautiful complexion that has been there all along.

When you have an acne reduction solution that…

  • Destroys bacteria and reduces inflammation
  • Produces long-lasting results by reaching deep within the skin


  • Is safe, simple, and effective

… you can put an end to all of the frustration that comes along with the lifelong struggle of dealing with acne. Instead, you’ll experience the exhilaration that comes along with being free from acne and having clear, smooth skin!

Here’s How Our Laser Acne Reduction Sessions Work…

Step 1:

Book a Free Consultation.

Meet with us to determine the best plan for your goals.

Step 2:

Schedule Your Laser Acne Reduction Session.

Choose a time to come in for your first session.

Step 3:

Enjoy the Results.

Feel more confident as you enjoy acne-free skin!

Here’s What to Expect…

… Before Your Session

Avoid sun exposure and self-tanning products for 2 weeks prior to your session. Ensure the area being treated is free of sunburn, eczema, and inflammation. You should stop using Retin-A, retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and any form of vitamin A for 10 days prior to the session. Additionally, you should avoid using Accutane for 6 months before your treatment. Do not use blood-thinning OTC medications (e.g., Aleve, Ibuprofen, Aspirin) for 24 hours before your treatment. If you wear contacts, you’ll need to remove them prior to your treatment.

… During Your Session

At your session, we’ll cleanse your skin and review your goals. Then, we’ll administer small flashes of broad-spectrum intense pulsed light (IPL), which stimulates the body’s natural healing process and boosts collagen and elastin production while warming the skin. The advanced, real-time cooling system in the Venus Versa technology ensures your skin is always protected from the heat so that you can enjoy a spa-like experience. The session will take about 30-60 minutes depending on size of the area being treated.

… After Your Session

Use SPF 30+ for at least 30 days after your treatment and avoid Accutane for 6 months after your treatment. Most patients require 1-2 treatments per week for 4-8 weeks. While bacteria, environmental factors, and sebum production are unavoidable, results typically last for about a year. Yearly laser acne reduction sessions for maintenance may be required.

A Professional Solution for Long-Lasting Results

Our laser acne reduction treatments are administered with care by our team of registered nurses and medical estheticians, and it’s our goal to restore your confidence by putting an end to your acne.

Laser acne reduction can be used on the following areas:

  • Full face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Upper back and shoulders
  • Lower back

We understand how frustrating acne and the typical acne treatments can be, and we are passionate about providing you with a long-lasting, medication-free solution. Laser acne reduction is the most cutting-edge way to combat this issue.

You don’t have to endure this struggle any longer. Instead, choose a safe and proven solution that combats the acute issue and the underlying cause to give you a smooth complexion!